Monday, November 24, 2014

Hands on Science in the Middle School - The plates on the Earth move!!

6th and 8th grade have been studying Earth's Tectonic Plates, and plate boundaries. Feel free to ask any 6th or 8th grader about Continental Drift, and the three different types of plate boundaries. 

The 8th graders used yogurt, wax paper, and foil to simulate plate movement at the Mid- Atlantic Ridge; rising and cooling magma and are part of the sea – floor spreading.

The 6th graders used foil and their hand, modeled the 3 types of plate movements.  The students observed the various geological activity and landforms.

1 comment:

  1. The 4th grade also learned about tectonic plates! It is the tectonic plates that create volcanoes! Our volcano is about to erupt very soon!
