Friday, October 31, 2014

How Big is a Longhouse?

While studying the Iroquois of New York, we found out that long ago they lived in houses called longhouses.  Some of these longhouses could have been up to 200 feet long and were the homes to entire clans or extended families. We wanted to know how much space a 200 foot longhouse  would take up.  To figure this question out, we used string and a yard stick to measure 200 feet in our playground/parking lot. (This was good practice using mental math)   It turns out that if you stand in the back right corner, it is approximately 200 feet to the center of the fence at the parking lot.  Here are some pictures.  It was difficult not to get all tangled up in our string!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Our Phenomenal Preschool

Today the 4th grade visited preschool for our weekly book buddy visit.  We helped make apple sauce and finish an art project the preschoolers were working on.  As I looked around the classroom it was exciting to see the fun and wonderful things that are happening there.  It is time to celebrate the work Mrs. Wassmer has been doing with the youngest of our Emanuel Family!

Making beautiful art

All About Me Bulletin Board
Studying the letter R

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Aritist Recognition

We love to celebrate the academic achievements of our students here at Emanuel Lutheran School!  Each day our students meet goals that they set for themselves and we celebrate each victory along the way.  Today I want to celebrate the achievement of one of our Middle School students who challenged herself to complete a drawing using a new artistic skill.  It took almost 2 weeks to complete and her patience and self control were tested in the process.  Usually we wait for our art show in June to truly celebrate the artistic talent of our students, but this is a remarkable drawing from a remarkable student! 

Rose by Michaela

This blog is a great platform for sharing the artistic talents of our students and I hope to share more in the future!
                                                      --Kristine Houghtalen, Art Teacher

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What has Mrs. LaSorsa's classes been up too?

What has Mrs. LaSorsa’s class’ been up to?

·      On a gorgeous Friday God gave us, we took advantage and took our math outside. We took our individual white boards, books, folding chairs and soaked in some sunshine while practicing our inequalities.

·      7 and 8 STEM are working on a science math project to share with the younger grades based on a children’s story. We visited the computer lab this week.

·      6th grade is studying space we watched a NASA video, and read an article about how a comet is coming very close, well in space terms close to Mars. The engineers discussed how they have to protect the equipment we have on Mars, such as Rovers and Orbiters. The comet will not come this close to the Inner Planets in another million years.

·      6th grade also is working on a virtual lab regarding to the moon phases and the effect the phase of the moon has on the tides.

·      8th grade is also studying space; we visited the Hubble Telescope and viewed nebula and other galaxies.  We continue to work hard on our honors Math Algebra 1 to prepare for the regents exam in June, and receive high school credit.

Other great Middle School News – Mrs. Meyer is working on our community service project STUFF A BUS, keep an eye out for more information.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mystery Reader makes first appearance in Kindergarten.....

Ms. Saitta's kindergarten cuties had a fantastic time guessing who was coming to visit them in class today.  The children were given four clues throughout the day and each child predicted it was their mom.  What a blast!

At 12:45, Mrs. Joy mysteriously entered the classroom to see the children anxiously awaiting on the carpet for her arrival.  She and Collin read her favorite story, "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" and shared munchkins with the class.  What a sweet treat it was!! Stay tuned for our next visitor....

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Outdoor Adventure

Emanuel's 5th grade through 8 have begun their outdoor adventure at the 4-H camp in Baithing Hollow,  First thing on the agenda was archery!  Our Samantha looks like a natural!!