Saturday, October 18, 2014

What has Mrs. LaSorsa's classes been up too?

What has Mrs. LaSorsa’s class’ been up to?

·      On a gorgeous Friday God gave us, we took advantage and took our math outside. We took our individual white boards, books, folding chairs and soaked in some sunshine while practicing our inequalities.

·      7 and 8 STEM are working on a science math project to share with the younger grades based on a children’s story. We visited the computer lab this week.

·      6th grade is studying space we watched a NASA video, and read an article about how a comet is coming very close, well in space terms close to Mars. The engineers discussed how they have to protect the equipment we have on Mars, such as Rovers and Orbiters. The comet will not come this close to the Inner Planets in another million years.

·      6th grade also is working on a virtual lab regarding to the moon phases and the effect the phase of the moon has on the tides.

·      8th grade is also studying space; we visited the Hubble Telescope and viewed nebula and other galaxies.  We continue to work hard on our honors Math Algebra 1 to prepare for the regents exam in June, and receive high school credit.

Other great Middle School News – Mrs. Meyer is working on our community service project STUFF A BUS, keep an eye out for more information.

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