Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Featured Artist

I was on Pinterest last night and saw this wonderful quote:

Some people are lucky enough to meet their favorite artists
 but I am lucky enough to teach mine!

Today I would like to share the art work of one of my favorite artists Michela.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I love teaching at Emanuel. Teaching at Emanuel allows me to grow in my faith and share in all of life's blessings with the students and their families. I am always grateful for the families that share children with us.  Our students are talented and bring a smile to my face.

Gilda shared her awesome musical talent by leading the music in our Thanksgiving chapel

Sharing our Advent spirit, 6th grade decorating our classroom!! We had Christmas playing 

Thank you to all the families!!

Monday, November 24, 2014


6th grade has a new class pet. A bear named Butterscotch. Butterscotch takes turns going home with a student for a week. The students and Butterscotch complete a real life math application and write the situation in the journal.

Alexandra took Butterscotch home after the Operation Christmas Child Chapel. Alexandra and Butterscotch calculated that if every child in the school contributed a shoebox and the requested donation of $7.00, Emanuel Lutheran School would send almost $400.00 to Operation Christmas Child. What a great example of many hands light work. Way to go Alexandra.

Aiden and Butterscotch went shopping for new video games.  He was showing kindness in purchasing a game for Kyle also. Aiden had a certain amount of birthday money and knew he wanted to purchase two games. He calculated the change he would receive. A two-step real life application. Way to go Aiden!! Math, writing and the Fruit of the Spirit!!

Hands on Science in the Middle School - The plates on the Earth move!!

6th and 8th grade have been studying Earth's Tectonic Plates, and plate boundaries. Feel free to ask any 6th or 8th grader about Continental Drift, and the three different types of plate boundaries. 

The 8th graders used yogurt, wax paper, and foil to simulate plate movement at the Mid- Atlantic Ridge; rising and cooling magma and are part of the sea – floor spreading.

The 6th graders used foil and their hand, modeled the 3 types of plate movements.  The students observed the various geological activity and landforms.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thanksgiving Joy......Then the people rejoiced, for what they had offered willingly to the Lord... 1 Chronicles 29:9.

Our students are serious when it comes to helping others. They have sorted all of the generous food donations from our friends and families at Emanuel and from their Stuff a Bus project. Thanksgiving baskets will be prepared this weekend by our Church members for families in our community.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Young Artist

This week in art, the Kindergarten class learned how to draw a cartoon turkey.  It was exciting for them to see how well they could draw!  Nico stayed focused and created an adorable turkey that should be celebrated.  Great Job Nico!  Keep up the great work!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Unbreakable Bonds

Middle School put pen to paper and wrote persuasive letters to congress. They were motivated by an article that we read about military dogs and their soldier handlers in our Scope magazine. After researching a little more and interviewing two of our very own Veterans (thank you Mrs. Dana Mullally and Mr. Ken Stoeckert), they began to draft their letters. They have learned that when composing a convincing argument the writer must appeal to the audience’s logical reasoning ability (logos), their heart and emotions (pathos), and ethically (ethos) by showing their credibility as a writer. The students were moved by this story and were compelled to try and change the existing laws that prohibit soldiers from adopting their canine pals. Here are a few letters that have already made their way to congress

179 East Main Street
Patchogue NY 11772
October 31, 2014

Representative Chellie Pingree
1318 Longworth
House Office Building
Washing DC 20515

Dear Representative Pingree,
My name is Gilda DelBianco. I am an 11 year old seventh grade student in Emanuel Lutheran School. I am writing this letter to express my opinion that veterans should be given a chance to adopt the military dogs that they worked so closely with. Veterans sacrifice their lives to fight for our country. They often stay in strange places, facing strange people, putting their lives in danger. They experience things that no one would want to experience. They have to face things like the death of their fellow comrades. Even if they come back alive, they will never be the same, physically or mentally. Some come back with missing limbs, others with PTSD. Research shows that just touching a dog can lower stress levels. When veterans come back from war zones, it’s difficult for them to them to fit in to a normal life again. Dogs can provide comfort, especially the dogs with which the veterans had formed unbreakable bonds. Jose Armenta was a dog handler who lost both legs after stepping on an improvised explosive device (IED) in Sagin, Afghanistan. When he was sent back home, he underwent 12 operations, and went through a very dark time. He missed his dog, Zenit, feeling a nagging sense of incompleteness without his dog. After agonizing months of waiting, he was finally allowed to take Zenit back. Both dog and owner were happy to see each other. It was like a new life for Jose.  Jose’s story shows that dogs can improve the quality of a veteran’s life, and bring joy to their heart. I understand that the military working dogs are supposed to work for the military. It might be a bit selfish and expensive if we give away all of these dogs, which are needed for other soldiers to help save lives. We must find ways to work this out. We could set up foundations that could help veterans get their dogs back. I am sure that people will help if they hear about these stories. We all appreciate America’s veterans, so why don’t we do something for them?
I hope you can support my argument. Thank you for your time and consideration!

179 E. Main St
Patchogue, NY 11772

October 28, 2014

Representative Chellie Pingree
1318 Longworth
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Pingree,
           Recently in my English class we read an inspiring article in our S.C.O.P.E. magazine. The article was called Call of Duty and it talked about military working dogs, and how important it was for one veteran in particular to be reunited with his dog. I am writing this letter in hope to persuade the United States to give veteran dog handlers the opportunity to adopt the dogs that they spent so much time with during their tour of duty. When a soldier works with a dog, they literally spend 24 hours together everyday. Throughout their time together they form unbreakable bonds. Soldiers have even said that they, “love and respect their dogs like their fellow comrades.” Could you imagine having spent all that time with your best friend and then being separated without knowing if you will ever see them again? Many soldiers go through this after their time in the service is over. In the article, one soldier was wounded and couldn’t serve on the frontline anymore. He had to leave his best friend; his dog. Though it took awhile Jose was finally reunited with his pal. There were many dark days in Jose’s recovery, but when he and Zenit, his dog, were together again he made a fast recovery. The process of getting Zenit back gave Jose hope. If all veterans who needed some hope were able to have their best friend around, I think many people would be happier, making this a happier nation. It is a proven fact that even just touching a dog can lower stress levels. Could you imagine what a veteran would feel like when they finally were reunited with their dogs. When I first started researching veterans adopting their dogs I doubted it would work for many reasons. I had many questions. What if the dog worked with more than one soldier? What if the dog hasn’t finished his time in the service yet? What if the dog doesn’t help the veteran? I know that you too may be thinking these things, but I found a lot of answers that helped me to put it into perspective.   I think that if a military working dog worked with more that one soldier the veteran who needs the dog more should have the opportunity to adopt the dog first. If they are able to take care of the dog, the veteran who needs the hope that their dog could give them to get better should get the dog. I also believe that because so much money is invested in them, a dog should finish his tour of duty before he is adopted. However, if it is a case of emotional life or death, I think the dogs should be able to leave early. According to Jose in the article his dog has been a life saver.
I urge you to consider all of the points that I have brought to your attention today. It is an issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. Veterans have sacrificed so much for us and our nation that it is only right that we do this small gesture of our appreciation for them. Thank you for your consideration.



179 E. Main Street

Patchogue, NY 11772
October 31, 2014

Representative Chellie Pingreee
1318 Longworth
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Pingree,
I think that military dog handlers should be able to adopt the dog that they worked with in the military. The handlers and their dogs form unbreakable bonds. If the dog’s handler got hurt during the war they could be really sad and the dog could be the only one that could cheer them up. It could also benefit the dog because if the dog is sad because they want to be with its original owner, once they`re reunited the dog can be really happy again. The military dogs do so much for the United States. They have jobs as patrol dogs, tracking dogs and detection dogs. The handlers say they appreciate their dogs as much as their fellow comrades. Studies show that just touching a dog can lower stress levels. 
With everything that veterans do for us I think that is the least we can do for them to allow military handlers to keep their dogs.


Friday, October 31, 2014

How Big is a Longhouse?

While studying the Iroquois of New York, we found out that long ago they lived in houses called longhouses.  Some of these longhouses could have been up to 200 feet long and were the homes to entire clans or extended families. We wanted to know how much space a 200 foot longhouse  would take up.  To figure this question out, we used string and a yard stick to measure 200 feet in our playground/parking lot. (This was good practice using mental math)   It turns out that if you stand in the back right corner, it is approximately 200 feet to the center of the fence at the parking lot.  Here are some pictures.  It was difficult not to get all tangled up in our string!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Our Phenomenal Preschool

Today the 4th grade visited preschool for our weekly book buddy visit.  We helped make apple sauce and finish an art project the preschoolers were working on.  As I looked around the classroom it was exciting to see the fun and wonderful things that are happening there.  It is time to celebrate the work Mrs. Wassmer has been doing with the youngest of our Emanuel Family!

Making beautiful art

All About Me Bulletin Board
Studying the letter R

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Aritist Recognition

We love to celebrate the academic achievements of our students here at Emanuel Lutheran School!  Each day our students meet goals that they set for themselves and we celebrate each victory along the way.  Today I want to celebrate the achievement of one of our Middle School students who challenged herself to complete a drawing using a new artistic skill.  It took almost 2 weeks to complete and her patience and self control were tested in the process.  Usually we wait for our art show in June to truly celebrate the artistic talent of our students, but this is a remarkable drawing from a remarkable student! 

Rose by Michaela

This blog is a great platform for sharing the artistic talents of our students and I hope to share more in the future!
                                                      --Kristine Houghtalen, Art Teacher

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What has Mrs. LaSorsa's classes been up too?

What has Mrs. LaSorsa’s class’ been up to?

·      On a gorgeous Friday God gave us, we took advantage and took our math outside. We took our individual white boards, books, folding chairs and soaked in some sunshine while practicing our inequalities.

·      7 and 8 STEM are working on a science math project to share with the younger grades based on a children’s story. We visited the computer lab this week.

·      6th grade is studying space we watched a NASA video, and read an article about how a comet is coming very close, well in space terms close to Mars. The engineers discussed how they have to protect the equipment we have on Mars, such as Rovers and Orbiters. The comet will not come this close to the Inner Planets in another million years.

·      6th grade also is working on a virtual lab regarding to the moon phases and the effect the phase of the moon has on the tides.

·      8th grade is also studying space; we visited the Hubble Telescope and viewed nebula and other galaxies.  We continue to work hard on our honors Math Algebra 1 to prepare for the regents exam in June, and receive high school credit.

Other great Middle School News – Mrs. Meyer is working on our community service project STUFF A BUS, keep an eye out for more information.